Jack W. Gooding, Chapter 13 Trustee | Email: help@ark13.com | Fax: 501-537-4401
Jack W. GoodingChapter 13 Trustee
Debtor Education
Debtor EducationIn accordance with the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA), consumers who would like to receive a discharge of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy are required to complete a personal financial management session with an approved counseling agency. Consumers must complete this mandatory session prior to receiving a discharge.The Trustee’s Education Network (TEN) has produced the approved course, Finally Financial Freedom! This course is offered free of charge to debtors assigned to the trusteeship of Jack W. Gooding.You will receive a Certificate of Completion under the following conditions:1. You must obtain a Trustee Identifier Number from your Chapter 13 Trustee. Your Trustee’s identifier number is required to registerand complete the course. This number is located on the back of the brochure you received at your 341(a) Meeting of Creditors. If you do not have a brochure, you can email us at info@ark13.com.2. You must choose “YES” for “Certificate Needed?” and complete the entire course (all lessons and quizzes) if your goal is receipt of a Certificate of Debtor Education.3. Once you complete all coursework a Certificate of Debtor Education will be emailed to you within 3 business days and filed with your Bankruptcy Court within 15 days.Begin the course: www.13class.com Support and Technical Request: If you need assistance with the 13class website or accessing lessons and quizzes, you will need to contact the 13class.com Help Desk by completing the online technical support form. The Trustee’s office cannot assist you with any issues or questions regarding the 13class.com website.